Updated September 7, 2010
January 22, 2008
"Kagyu Gurtso" The ocean of the yogic songs of the Kagyu lineage

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bka' brgyud mgur mtsho'i go don khog dbubs spyi chings rnam par bshad pa skal bzang yid kyi ngal gso
mchog gai dngos grub mngon du byed pa'i myur lam bka' brgyud bla ma rnams kyi rdo rje'i mgur dbyangs ye shes char 'bebs rang grol lhun grub bde chen rab 'bar nges don rgya mtsho'i snying po
mchod bstod sogs
dpe thog bro brdung go skam gyi snang tshul sogs gang dran yi ger btab pa rang mtshangs ston pa'i glu chung nam mkha'i me tog gzhon nu'i lding khang
byang sems bkra shis 'od zer gyis re ltos bla ma las med par kho thag chod pa'i rang mtshangs sun 'byin gyi tshul du gdung glu bzhengs pa
Published. First edition: 3300 copies 2008. Second edition: 1000 copies 2010